N E W—Book for Teachers! Available on amazon.com in print or as an eBook!

Apr 27, 2022 by

In thousands of classrooms within and beyond the United States, Don and Jenny Killgallon’s sentence-composing method has given students tools to become better writers. By focusing on the sentence, the Killgallons in their numerous textbooks for students–all levels, from upper elementary through college–changed the way teachers and their students look at language, literature, and writing.

Their first-ever book for teachers, SENTENCE-COMPOSING TEACHER’S HANDBOOK is a comprehensive resource for validating, teaching, varying, and assessing the sentence-composing method. The handbook can be used by itself or with any of the Killgallon’s sentence-composing student textbooks available from Heinemann Publishers or online through amazon.com. For teachers new to the sentence-composing method, this handbook is a valuable and useful introduction, including many classroom-ready student activities.

The method links grammar, writing, and literature through imitating sentences by authors. Unlike traditional grammar approaches that emphasize sentence dissection, the Killgallons’ sentence-composing method emphasizes sentence connection, teaching students connections between how authors build sentences and how they can learn to build sentences using the same tools of authors. The method provides training in sentence structure through varied activities—matching, exchanging, unscrambling, combining, imitating, expanding, multiplying—using literature as a writing school with a faculty of authors teaching students tools for building better sentences.

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